Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 16: Something that Floats

Well, I have been MIA from the 365 project for a few days....but I have a great excuse because I have gotten several commissions & I am getting paid to make art !!! Yahoo. So that takes precedence right now. (plus I am working on my website to showcase my art & create a place for clients to request commissions).

Today's assignment was to make something that floats. But, being a true rule breaker I decided to DRAW  something that floats : an apple still life. I figured I can use all the drawing practice I can get,  so it was "two birds with one stone."

Here is today's result:

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 15: Stuff In My Car

Today's assignment was to use things from my car (which was surpisingly uncluttered) all I came up with was a biodegradble spoon, a bread closer tag thing (why was that in my car????) & a penny. So I mixed up some Golden Clear Tar Gel & added in some colors. I poured the gel into the spoon that I had taped upright against my studio wall.

Here is the result:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 14: The Eyes Have It

Today's assignment was to make something related to the eyes or for use with the eyes. I chose to practice my Manga drawing skillz (which are non existent) after some practice runs I came up with a Manga eye set based on an instructional video by Mark Crilley. The drawing is done in pen, H2O pencils, gouache, Neocolor II & graphite. In an ironic turn of events these crying eyes soon became very meaningful after Zoe hit her head on our dining table & her pretty blue eyes were streaming tears just like these.

Here is today's result:

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 13: Carved Stamp (Hideous Crabby Kissy Blobby)

Todays assignment was to carve a stamp from a sponge or potato. "Easy" I thought, because I have carved lots of stamps from lino-blocks. Well, the sponge proved to be more difficult than I thought. I tried to carve out a radiation symbol (because I happened to be listening to a documentary about Chernobyl), that was a disaster. So I just carved out a leaf & smooshed it around some watercolor paper. I added some eyes & claws and made the mess into a Crabby Kissy Blobby. It's weird, but hey....I did my homework!

Here is today's result:

the stamp

the tramp

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 12: Dollar Bill

Well last week was toast & I didn't do very well...only two days. Oh well, life happens. So, today's assignment was to do something with a dollar bill. It's probably some type of crime to deface a dollar bill....oops.

Here is the result:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 11: Work in Miniature

Todays assignment was to work in minature. We had a super busy day here at the house with a post school playdate- so working in miniature was a great relief. I did a small watercolor paiting of a subject I have done many times: a lone tree... I was originally going to have a white border around it, but the stupid drafting tape ripped the watercolor paper I had to border it with black marker. Lesson learned.

It measures about 1.25" x 1"

Here is the result:

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Day 10: Tea

Today's assignment was to use TEA, either brewed or dry and/or tea bags. I chose to work small today since this is a very busy week. I cut open the bottom of a large tea bag & placed the tea leaves in a bowl w/ vodka. I used vodka rather than water to extract the tea dye because then I wouldn't have to wait for the liquid to cool before I used it. Also, by using vodka for the dye it evaporated more quickly after I soaked the actual tea bag in it. I soaked the tea bag in the extract & then left it to dry. Next I splattered watercolor paints, ink & bronze paint on the bag.

Here is the result: